Sunday, November 27, 2011

Back in Black Capris

So after a fall fitness season totally destroyed by interviews, work, over-eating and injury...I'm back, bitches. Today I put on my favorite black capri pants to teach spin class. No surprise, they don't fit so well. Quite frankly, considering my diet and schedule, it's amazing they fit at all. Nonetheless, it's time to get back in shape.

Emergency Measure #1: Calorie Cuts
Hi, my name is Kelly, and I'm a calorie counter. It's not out of a paranoid need to track everything that goes into my body. It's just that when I keep track of my caloric intake, it makes me feel accountable for my food choices. It also makes me more aware of what and how much I'm eating. And going into a season of over-indulgence, well, awareness is critical.
So. I'm going to keep it to a (rather conservative) 1500 calories per day. That gives me room for that much-needed mid-afternoon cookie, but I can still drop a few pounds a week at that rate.

Emergency Measure #2: Fitness Regimen
Honestly? I've gotten bored with my workouts. On top of that, it's dark when I leave work, which makes me want to go home and curl up with a smutty book rather than destroy the free weights. Also, my Christmas tree is so pretty - I just want to sit and stare at it. And I need to wash my hair and balance my checkbook.
This is ridiculous. Mind over matter, homies. Time to make myself exercise. And seeing how much I love lists (and the satisfaction of crossing things off a list), I'm going to make a list of fitness sessions that I must complete each week. Doesn't matter when or what order I do them in, so long as they get done.

I don't want to over-extend myself, so this is my plan for now.