Sunday, July 29, 2012

Gluten-free Power Food

Those who know me have noticed that I've gotten kinda into cycling (more on that another time). One thing I've noticed is that heavy, gluten-based energy bars don't always go over well. Sometimes I'll be ready for a caloric boost, but that tasty Cliff bar will sit in my stomach like a brick. And then I'll bonk anyway. That's a bad feeling.
So I decided to have a gluten-free ride. I made these really tasty rice cakes from The Feed Zone. They were a big hit with my fellow cyclists! They're tasty, the rice gives you a quick shot of carbs, and all the protein sticks with you for a long time. Don't be confused by the weird ingredients - in this case, too much of a good things really is wonderful!

CASHEW AND BACON RICE CAKES - I found Calrose rice at Walmart, of all places. However, you can substitute any medium-grain or sushi rice. A rice cooker will work best, but I just made it in a saucepan since I don't have one of those (yet). Wrap these little suckers in foil (like a present) and stuff them in your jersey pocket for a mid-ride snack. I haven't tried freezing them yet, but I think they'd thaw ok.
- 2 C uncooked Calrose rice or medium-grain "sticky" rice
- 3 C water
- 8 oz. bacon
- 3 eggs
- 1/2 cashews, raw or roasted (avoid heavily salted)
- 1/4 C nut butter
- 1/2 C raisins 

1. Cook the rice and water.
2. Meanwhile, fry the bacon until moderately crisp. Remove from pan and pat with paper towels. Crumble the bacon.
3. Gently wipe the suate pan to remove any burned bits, but leave enough goodness for the eggs. Softly scramble the eggs in the bacon fat.
4. In a large bowl, combine the cooked rice, bacon, scrambled eggs, cashews, nut butter, and raisins. Mix well. Press into an 8" or 9" square brownie pan to about 1 1/2" thickness.
5. Let cool thoroughly in fridge. Cut into 12-15 bars. Wrap in foil.
On a side note, I had a blast making these. Cooking, drinking cider, and watching the opening that's a good night.

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