Monday, July 11, 2011

Full of Femenine Rage

Whoa, buddy, was I on a rampage today. I'm not a moody kinda lady, but you know you're barely penning in your rage and exhaustion when you have this conversation with your professor (who also happens to be a graduate department bigwig):

Professor: "Well, I'm afraid that's my grading policy."
Me: "Well, that's a crappy policy."

Put that bizatch on a leash, Kelly.
It's time I reevaluate my fitness schedule, because I clearly need to vent some negative energy. Right now I'm just fitting in workouts whenever I can, and I end up doing whatever I feel like. I've lost all structure in order to accommodate my hectic academic and teaching schedule. I basically can't say, "Monday I do this, Tuesday I do that" anymore, because my schedule is drastically different every week.
Instead, I'm going to make a list of workouts I need to do each week. Doesn't matter when I do them, so long as they get done. Heck, I could knock them all out by Wednesday and spend the rest of the week drinking all this wine left over from Wine Club.

Here's what I'd like to do:
  • 2 Indoor Cycling Sessions (teaching counts)
  • 1 3-mile run or Cardio X DVD
  • 1 sprinting session (will describe later)
  • Legs & Back toning
  • Arms & Shoulders toning
  • 2 Ab Ribber sessions
  • Yoga X DVD
That gives me 4 cardio, 2 weight-lifting, 2 core and 1 yoga session. I think this is do-able. And if not, then at least I know what will fall through the cracks (*cough* Yoga X *cough*). I'ma give this a whirl for the next few weeks.

In case you're wondering, I did get points back from my professor. But I think he was just afraid of the blazing fire in my eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it's been SO hard to be motivated lately. It's been so hot, that all I want to do is sit in my air conditioning and eat froyo. Lol.
    As for cardio, I teach 2 spin classes a week anyway, so I figure I'm going to knock out 2 of the cardio sessions by necessity. And my sprinting sessions are only a half hour, and I love doing them.
    I'd really like to fit in one more weights workout, but I'm afraid that it'd probably slip through the cracks of my crazy schedule. It would have to be short. Have any good ideas for a 20-min or so full-body weights workout, preferably with free weights? I could put one together, but, well, I'm a little bored and under-motivated. Lol.
