Friday, July 15, 2011

Hell Week

This week marks my last truly bad week of studying, because I fear not Finals Week. No seriously, Finals Week is manageable. For one, the tests are cumulative, so I already know it. Two, I have an entire week prior to prepare, without any assignments are other irritating interruptions. Three, there's that light at the end of the tunnel that always powers me through. So yeah, Finals Week? Eff you, Finals Week. You don't know me! You. Don't. Know. Me. What!
But like I said, this week was bad. Even though I only had two exams and one homework assignment (well, one monster homework assignment), I had a hard time fitting it in between my two part-time jobs, doctor's appointments, job searches, etc. Too many things going on. But now it's done.
Well, almost done. I'm looking over at my Weekly Progress menu and thinking to myself, "Self, you're a fat slacker. You've still got 2 cardio workouts and 2 toning workouts and that Yoga X that you love so much. Oh, and two days to do it in."


1 comment:

  1. It sort of got brought. I had a doctor's appointment on Saturday, and they specifically told me I was not allowed to exercise that day. However, I made sure to put down a REALLY hard work out on Sunday - a run, Ab Ripper, and Back & Legs toning.
