Friday, January 6, 2012

I'm a Terrible Daughter.

I love my mom very much, but today I just couldn't help myself. It all started when I called her from my office phone for the first time. Oddly, she didn't recognize my voice from that phone. Psh! As if I'm not going to take advantage of that? So I waited a few hours and called again...

*ring ring*
Mom: Hello?
Me: Hello, is Mrs. [Mom's last name, pronounced totally incorrectly] available?
Mom (a little annoyed): This is she. May I ask who is calling?
Me: Hi Mrs. [Name still pronounced wrong]. My name is Laura, I'm calling from Atlanta Refrigeration and Cooling Services. I'm calling with regard to a problem that seems to be occurring in your neighborhood. Do you have time to answer a few questions?
Mom: Yes, well, as long as you don't mind if I'm working. I have spreadsheets to work on, and if somebody calls, I'll have to go.
Me: Absolutely, m'am.
Mom: We might get cut off.
Me: Yes, and thank you for your time.
Mom: What's the problem? Your name is Laura?
Me: Yes, as I said, my name is Laura and I'm calling from Atlanta Refrigeration and Cooling Services. Your builder has contacted us to investigate a recurring problem in your neighborhood. Some of your neighbors have experienced a problem with the power supply to their kitchen appliances. Have you had any problem with power to your kitchen appliances?
Mom: Yes, Laura, actually I have. The microwave has been cutting out. It started recently.
Me: Hm, the microwave? I'm afraid that's new. I'm going to make a note of it here. Thank you.
Mom: Yes, sometimes it's fine, and then it shuts off for no reason.
Me: Ok, have you had any trouble with the stovetop?
Mom: No.
Me: Ok, thank you. How about your refrigerator? Has it been running OK?
Mom: Yes, I think so. I haven't noticed a problem with it.
Me: Hmmmmmm, well, then you should probably go catch it.
Mom: ........
Mom: ........

Mom later expressed that she wasn't sure what to be more embarrassed about: that she fell for that refrigerator bit, or that she couldn't recognize her own daughter's voice. In her defense, I was using my best telemarketer voice and we use phones that don't pick up any background noise (so we probably really do sound different). She also told me that the microwave really isn't working right. I recommended that she call Atlanta Refrigeration and Cooling Services about it.

I love my poor mother. She puts up with me.

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