Monday, January 2, 2012

Post-Holiday Relief

Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays. But boy howdy, they get me every year. 10 pounds? Maybe? It's hard to say, since I've been putting it on since August. And while I normally scoff at the post-Christmas crash dieters (lazy binging bums!), I too have reached that point. Actually, I am so utterly sick of rich holiday fare that I REALLY want to diet.


South Beach Diet.

Me and my blog have been through this before, so check out the August 2011 archive for the basics. For 12-14 days (however long I can last), I'll be depriving myself of carbs and sugars, which sound terrible right now anyway.

That said, I traipsed off to the grocery store today to stock up on vegetables, lean meats, and light dairy. I even made a batch of all the fixings for taco salad (with seasoned ground turkey and homemade dressing), so I'll be all set to start tomorrow.

Updates tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Yay taco salad! I'm excited to get some inspiration and try to join in, though I need to figure out how to sneak those foods in while making Isaac not feel deprived (he's exercising a few times a week and needs the carbs).
