Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Still hanging in there

Good news, folks. I am still very much on the South Beach Bandwagon, despite being terribly sick today. No worries, I'm good now. But I've learned my lesson about eating too much dairy and caffeine.

Now time for confessions: I did break down and eat a few Pepperidge Farm milan cookies (that was my whole lunch), but if you know what I've been through today, you'd understand. They were the only things I felt my stomach could handle. Cookies are my chicken soup.

I have 1 day left, and then I'm going to jump off this moving South Beach train for a few days. Let's hope I don't land too hard. Ill be in Chicago on Friday, and I'm not going to try getting a head of lettuce and some low-carb salad dressing through airport security. I don't want to be mistaken for a Hidden Valley Ranch Al Qaeda.

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