Friday, January 25, 2013

Intervention Update

What a week! Let me start by saying that nothing ever goes as planned. I set four goals last week, and I did meet some of them. Unfortunately, I was waylaid by a nasty upper respiratory and sinus infection that kicked in to high gear on Tuesday. Such a bummer, because I had a good start.
The good news is I lost a few pounds anyway. So now I will eat right, rest, and get back to 100%.

1. Run an 8-minute mile on the treadmill. Did it! Knocked this one out on Monday.
2. No cookies. This was a partial win. I'm moving on to a new client, so I had one last celebratory cookie in the hospital cafeteria. I usually have a cookie every day, so a single "treat" cookie isn't a total loss.
3. Work out 5 times, 3 of these to be high intensity. Big fail here, thanks to The Upper Respiratory Crud. I did a 4 mile run at my Dad's home in Oregon, which was actually pretty tough due to the altitude. I went for an awesome hike at Smith Rocks with my Dad. Lastly, I ran 3 miles on the treadmill, which is where I put in my 8-min mile. So all told, 3 workouts, only 1 of these would I consider high intensity (the 4 mile run).
4. Watch Beauty & the Beast. Totally got this. It was bad, and I enjoyed it.

Pics from my hike:

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