Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It's a New Year

Bow howdy, it's been a while. And it's a been quite a year for this girl. Let me count the ways I am loving my life:
  •   In March, I began working for a fantastic healthcare consulting firm. I knew I would like this job. I didn't know I would love it. It is challenging, but enjoyable. Always rewarding. I learn something new every day, but I get to use the skills I worked so hard (and I mean, painfully hard) to acquire at Georgia Tech. I travel, I move around, I interact with a variety of people. Basically, I am rarely sitting still, which is great for a fidget like me. Best of all, I feel useful and appreciated. I think that's a rare thing in this day and age.
  • I bought a new road bike (aka "Sparky") and have thus opened an exciting new chapter of fitness adventures. I've made wonderful cycling friends. These people get me. They understand my burning need to get on my bike and ride up that big, steep hill. They even appreciate my commentary on the way up ("Slay the mountain, bitches!"). I have wanted a road bike for years, but I really underestimated the physicial, social and mental rewards.
  • I've gone on some really special trips:
    • Steph and I stumbled around Chicago for St. Patty's Day (admittedly, that city parties at a way higher level than we do). 
    • I pulled together a Singles Ladies Weekend in the mountains of Asheville, where we hiked, ate like queens, and lounged in front of roaring fires.
    • Cycling HBIC Liza arranged a lovely stay at a B&B on the shores of Lake Rabun, where we cycled the rollings hills and lake shorelines of North Georgia. It was gorgeous.
    • My Oregon family and I stayed a week in beautiful warm Key Largo, where the temperature consistently clocked in between 75-85. I kept eating too much. They kept checking the Oregon weather ("Hey Kel, it's 3 degrees back home right now.")
    • Dragon*Con. I think that counts as a "trip".

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