Monday, June 6, 2011

Call me Sargeant

On top of my horseback riding and spin class duties, I also teach a Boot Camp class. It's not for the faint of heart, but if you want a full-body workout, Boot Camp is where it's at!
I try to structure Boot Camp with equal parts cardio and toning. For example: We'll run laps with obstacles to jump over, and then we hit the weights. We jump rope, and then we drop and do push-ups. We're constantly moving, constantly hitting new muscle groups. Hmm, sounds familiar. Maybe like p90x?
Sure enough, p90x has been a huge help in helping me design these classes. The warm-up section is straight out of p90x, and I've even stolen some of the exercises from the DVDs. In general, the whole pace and progression of Boot Camp reflects p90x - starting out slow, gradually ramping up your heart rate and the difficulty, and just when you think you can't do any more, it's time for cool down and stretching.

Here's my "Lesson Plan" from today's Boot Camp:
600 SERIES - 1,2
RUN 2 Laps
600 SERIES - 3,1
RUN 2 Laps
600 SERIES - 2,3

-2 Light Weights (3-5 lb)
-2 Medium Weights (5-10 lb)
-Jump Rope
-A Short Distance to run (20-40 yards)

-March in place, rolling shoulders ~1 min
-Jog in place ~30 sec
-"High Heels" (jog in place, keeping knees down, heels almost hitting your tush) ~30 sec
-Jumping Jacks ~30 sec
-"Cross Your Legs" (run sideways a short distance, crossing your trailing leg in front, then behind you)
-Skip & Sprint (skip high a short distance, shooting for height rather than distance, then sprint back to your starting position)

-Runner's Lunge
-Wide Angle Standing Forward Bend with chest stretch
-Hamstring Stretch
-Tricep and Shoulder Stretches

600 SERIES - Knock out two of these core strengthing sets at a time. By the end of your workout, you'll have done 600 core exercises!
  1. 25 crunches, 25 bicycle crunches, 25 leg lifts, and 25 sea turtles (lay on your stomach, lifting your shoulders and thighs off the floor, and swing your arms back like flippers)
  2. 30 sec side plank on each side, 30 sec plank and then drop down into a 10 sec chaturanga.
  3. 20 side V-ups on each side, 60 sec alternating back extensions (get on your mat on your hands and knees. Slowly lift your right arm and left leg. Lower them, and then lift your left arm and right leg.
  1. 10-->1 Push-Up to Plyo Squats. Perform 10 push-ups, then jog a short distance and perform 10 plyometric squats. Return to staring pount. Perform 9 push-ups, jog a short distance and perform 9 plyometric squats. Keep going until you get to 1.
  2. 10 Swimmer's Press with medium weight
  3. 10 Tricep Extension with light weight
  4. Zig Zag - Set up 5 or 6 cones, rocks, or markers in a zig-zagging pattern, with the distance between each marker getting smaller and smaller. Sprint from marker to marker, reaching down to touch each marker as you pass it. Repeat 5 times.
  1. 50-->10 Jump Rope & 5-->1 Lateral/Front Shoulder Raise. Jump rope 50 times at whatever pace you can manage, then jog a short distance. Perform 5 shoulder raises with a light weight (lift to the front, lift to the side, and that's 1). Jog back to your jump rope, jump 40 times, then jog back to your starting point and perform 4 shoulder raises. And so on.
  2. Lunge-Kickback-Curl-Press with light weights.
  3. 10 Upright Row with medium weight
  4. 10 Lunge & Reach with medium weight.

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