Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Excerpts from Facebook Chat

this is why i work...i can get as sloppy as i want to as long as i make it to work the next day
Amen to that
I can't wait to be a paid alcoholic
Hopefully a well-paid alcoholic
I didn't put in this sober time in grad school to be poorly paid
i dont think ive reached that level of wino yet
No, but you could if you wanted to
very true
and we do have a fridge at work so i could totally sneak in thermos wine
Sometimes it's not about actually doing something, but about having the freedom to do it
Be brazen. Drink it from a cup, and if any ones asks, look them boldly in the eye and say you have to drink cranberry juice for your UTI
any my creative processes will be way more unique
And you can scare away unwanted conversation by commenting on any discomfort caused by your"UTI"
You'll probably be MORE productive
i am drinking for home depot
Sure are
And because you can't possibly drive home, you'll probably have to arrange a "carpool" (alcoholic speak for "DD").
You're helping the environment too.
a friends of the animals
ummm...friend of the animals
i need to pour smaller glasses
Naw, keep going.
It's for the good of American business and the rainforest.
Also using less gasoline, so you're fighting the terrorists too.
damn mexicans
For all we know, you were on Seal Team Six.
Maybe it was you who crashed that helicopter. Cuz, you know, you were a little hammered after knocking back a bottle of chianti.
referring to mexicans was way funnier in my head than on chat fyi
Yeah, I don't have any wine-related Mexican jokes.
But maybe your improved creativity will help you come up with something.
it was meant to be a social commentary
It was over my head.
But then again, I'm sober and therefor on a lower plain of understanding.
this is why i need to drink at work
i need to go take a shower now though
Wash away that wine smell

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