Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's like a sauna in here, huh?

Goodness me, it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. In my defense, it's been a jam-packed 2 weeks. I had my first round of exams, a bunch of assignments, a field project, mild tonsillitis and a horseback riding clinic on top of my class time and two part-time jobs. Alpha Whiskey Foxtrot! Now my schedule will go back to it's usual busy and tonsillitis-free routine. That means I got to actually put in a real workout today.

Some people do hot yoga. I do hot runs. There are few things so thoroughly cleansing as going out for a run when it's about 95 degrees with sauna-esque humidity. You will sweat out everything. I find that it helps my skin, which is notoriously sensitive and prone to breakouts. I can't use exfoliates or harsh products, so I clarify it Indian (feather, not dot) sweat lodge style. Mind you, you pay a price - it's exhausting. But once you get over the unpleasant side effects of being overheated, dehydrated, and generally a little unbelieving that you decided to do something so foolish...well, you feel great. It's a detox workout. Just be careful to a) not be out there for too long (I do 3 miles max when it's this hot out) and b) thoroughly cool down and rehydrate.

It's been about a week since I pulled out a p90x disc. Although I still do the Ab Ripper X and Arms & Shoulders routines at the gym, I've gotten a little bored with the repetetive in-home workouts. So today I pulled out a disc I've never used before - Back & Biceps. It was basically 45 minutes of pull-ups and biceps curls, and I loved it. I don't have a pull-up bar (or a place to put one in my underground lair), so I use elastic bands. Still, awesome workout. My biceps are definitely shot.
My favorite part of Back & Biceps? Tim. Tim is my favorite part. Tim the Marine. To explain: these p90x videos feature Tony "Botox" Horton along with buddies/students doing alternate versions of the exercises. There are usually 3 of these random people, and they are different in every video. Some of them are just normal folk(ie. dentists and lawyers), while others are people who are expected to look good(like actors and aerialists). Clearly, Tim falls into the latter category. Who needs trashy romance novels or romantic comedies when you can just pop in your p90x Back & Biceps DVD and watch Tim? Ohhhh, Tim. Tim was doing the elastic band rather than the pull-up bar, just like me! We shared a connection. There's something special between Tim and me. Mmmm, Tim. Tim the Marine.

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