Thursday, June 30, 2011

Workout Buddies!

This morning I woke up bright an early for a 6am workout with Rebecca. It was so nice to have a workout buddy, because working out at home can be awful lonely. If you see Rebecca, tell her she's a badass. She and I knocked out an hour-long, boot camp style workout with a strong emphasis on lower body strength and cardiovascular fitness. This might become a regular thing, because I had a blast!

We started out with a brief warm up followed by about 15 minutes of warrior yoga. Here's the sequence that we did, with a vinyasa between each pose:
Sun Salutations
Runner's Pose
Crescent Pose
Warrior I
Warrior II + Reverse Warrior
Triangle Pose

I gotta hand it to p90x for turning me on to doing Yoga at the beginning of a workout. I used to use it as a post-workout stretch, but doing a fluid set of vinyasa-based poses is an awesome way to get the blood pumping. And doing it at 6am was surprisingly nice. As we did reverse warrior pose, I got to look up through the branches of Rebecca's big tire swing tree and appreciate the first bit of morning light. Very peaceful and empowering!

After yoga,we did running drills with push-ups, plyometric squats, core exercises, and walking planks. Right about that time I was attacked by a swarm of killer bees. OK, it was actually just two yellow jackets (who were apparently not morning people) and I received a parting gift of a sting to the eyebrow and the shoulder. Nothing that some benedryl and a nap didn't fix. Stupid bees.

Nonetheless, I soldiered on. After migrating to the deck, we did a 10 minute "Cardio Meltdown". This was basically a p90x-inspired plyometrics practice, with lots of jumping, turning, squatting, and generally just a lot of moving around. I was definitely sweating hard!

So, here's the summary:
Warrior Yoga
Running & Toning Drills
Plyometric Cardio Meltdown
Cool Down/ Stretch


  1. It was awesome! I'm definitely feeling sore now (even with the eggs for breakfast) but its a great kind of hurt! Can't wait til next time!

    Isaac says he'll check next time he's mowing to see if there are any bee nests and clear them out if he can.

  2. Haha, stupid bees. If it makes you feel any better, they're totally better. A little tender, but not swollen and you can't even see them. Hey, didn't stop me from working out!
