Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 5, Day 3 - How to Make Your Pectorals Quiver

Ok, this is probably too much information, but if I lay down on my back and raise my hands into the pectorals start shaking uncontrollably. Lol, that was how intense today's "Chest, Shoulders & Triceps" workout was. So many push-ups! I couldn't even come close to the number of push-ups the people in the video were doing, and the pike push-ups were terrifying - I was sure that my arms were going to give out and I was going to smash my forehead into the floor! See that girl? She's gunna break her nose!
Even so, I'm happy the video was as intense as it was. I really enjoyed the "Arms & Shoulders" workout, but didn't think it was too hard. This one is very hard. And I have four weeks of it. Oh yay!

On a sad note, I think I have to skip tomorrow's Yoga X. As much as I love Yoga X (sense the sarcasm?), I've been having trouble with my left knee. It's been hurting ever since I went on a run last week. I'm going to give it a break, because Yoga X is pretty hard on your knees, what with all those long, painful warrior poses.

On the happy note, tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo! I'm having a few buddies over for margs and fajitas. Maybe we'll go out dancing. Maybe I'll make some bad decisions. We can only hope.

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