Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 6, Day 1 - Fighting Boredom

So it's week 6, although technically week 7 because I repeated. I got home at 9:30 and still had Core Synergistics to do. I gotta admit: I was really unenthusiastic about it.
Was it because it was 10pm?
Was it because of my lackluster meal at Five Seasons?
Was it because my left knee still hurts? I getting bored?

Ok, it was probably everything combined. However, I have begun to view these p90x workouts as a bit of a chore. Working out alone at home certainly has its charms, but I really miss the gym, my workout buddies, and my spin classes. There's a saying, "You can take the girl out of the gym, but not the gym out of the girl". I believe Oscar Wilde said that. Or maybe Lincoln.
The good news is that I start teaching gym classes next week. My academic classes started today and I'm now teaching horseback riding lessons about 20-30 hours a week. The bad news: I'm booked solid every day except Sunday. At best, I'm scheduled from 10am to 8pm. At worst, I'm scheduled from 6:30am to 8pm. I have to sleep and eat too, supposedly. Which begs the question, when am I going to fit in these p90x workouts?

I have to reorganize.
  • Kenpo X and Yoga X are the first to go. They're both really hard on my knees. I love the Kenpo, but I'm definitely getting enough cardio. And we all know how I feel about Yoga X.
  • I will keep all the weights sessions: Legs & Back, Arms & Shoulders, Chest Shoulders & Triceps, and Ab Ripper X. They must stay.
So there ya go. After this week, I'm going to concoct a new schedule. I'll be removing 2 p90x workouts, but adding 3 gym classes and long days at the barn. Lol. Hardly an even trade, but I think it makes the whole thing more manageable.

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