Thursday, April 7, 2011


I bought my first jug of whey protein last night. Yes, I caved and bought the Jillian Micheals brand, but with good reason.
1) At only 100 calories per scoop, it seemed more appealing to a calorie-counter like me, especially compared to the 150 to 300 calories of other brands. I'm not looking for a meal replacement; I just want a post-workout dose of protein to help my muscles recover and repair.
2) This is probably absurd, but it came in a smaller jug. I didn't want to buy a giant barrel of whey or soy protein, only to discover that I didn't like the stuff. And, being a girl, I didn't want a barrel-o-protein sitting on my counter.
3) I usually drink a big glass of soy milk after a workout, so I already get a little protein. I just need an extra boost. Each scoop has 15 grams protein - perfect! Lo and behold, it's delicious mixed into that tall glass of vanilla silk milk!

But I knew I got the right stuff when I saw this advertisement below my favorite Youtube video. Not now chief, I'm in the zone.

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