Friday, April 22, 2011

Week 3, Day 5 - Punching Through Walls

I woke up this morning and thought to myself, "Self, this is going to be a rough day for p90x." I thought I was going to hit a wall for sure. Oh, and I did, but I just punched right through it.

To preface this, I should explain what I did yesterday. I woke up and did Yoga X. As usual, it's 45 minutes of forcing yourself to hang in there, followed by 45 min of balancing, abs exercises, and stretching. It requires way more stamina than any of the other p90x sessions. However, it's getting better - I can now do most of the vinyasas, including (if I concentrate) fairly correct chaturangas. That's way better than 3 weeks ago, when I couldn't do a single chaturanga. Speaking of which, I explained what a chaturanga is in the post below.
Anyway, I did my Yoga X, took a quick shower, then put on my jeans and at 12:45 went to Chastain Equestrian Center. I'll be working there this summer, so yesterday was an orientation of sorts. I rode a cute little chestnut named Sioux (I think of her as "Sue"), so that my boss could see me ride. Sue was green as grass, but I enjoyed just sitting lightly on her and talking her through our little exercise. She was a little nervous being in an unfamiliar ring, but by the time we were done she was walking and trotting straight, and was responding really well to leg and vocal aids. I think she's an athletic gal, and has a very sweet disposition on the ground, so she'll make somebody a nice little horse.
After I rode Sue, I accompanied Katie around the barn to get the swings of things. Tacking horses. Helping her lunge while she taught. Leading riders who weren't ready to steer on their own yet. Basically a lot of walking and jogging around the facility. I had a ton of fun, and am really excited about working there this summer. But OMG, was I tired when I got home. It wasn't muscle soreness, it was that bone-deep ache you get when you've stomped around too much. Lol, so when I got up this morning, my legs felt the impending doom of p90x Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X.
By golly, I did it though. There were a couple times when I just paused the video, leaned over with my hands on my knees thinking "Sweet Baby Jesus, get me through this", and then unpaused it to eek out 5 more leaping squats. I made it my goal to do the same weights and reps as last week, which was tough. Today was decidedly the hardest day I've done so far, but I totally faced that wall and knocked through it some how. I'm really happy!
Tomorrow I have Kenpo X, then Sunday off, and next week is my scheduled "recovery" week of strictly cardio and toning.
I deserve a beer. Happy Friday and Happy Easter Weekend!

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