Sunday, April 3, 2011

p90x, zomg...

I'm a cycling instructor. I moonlight as a boot camp instructor. I run a little, I ride horses a little. I pick up weights and throw them around a little. I show up at the gym with a ridiculous list of exercises, and then I sweat a little. And I'm a little bored.
I need a challenge. A year ago, my eyes would have bugged outta my head at the thought of doing p90x, but I'm willing to try it now. I've achieved some fitness goals in the last year that I didn't know I was capable of. Now I believe. That said, I know it's going to hurt, but now I don't think I'm going to get hurt.

So, here's the deal: p90x is a 90-day , in-home fitness program developed by Tony "Botox" Horton. Despite his constantly excited/surprised expression, I think I'm going to trust this guy. I'm going to "bring it". I've chosen the Lean Program, which has a greater emphasis on cardiovascular fitness and slightly less upper body work. But don't worry, it's still going to suck. Totes McGoats. But I know how good it's going to feel as I progress.
As an added incentive, I'm going to use this 'ole fitness blog to track my progress. Maybe even post some awkward pictures and stats. Yay. In my next post, I'll report my "before" body measurements and fitness test results.

Here's my schedule for the next 3 weeks:
Mon: Core Synergystics
Tues: Cardio X
Wed: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X(that sounds fun, eh?), Teach Cycle + Abs Class
Thur: Yoga X
Fri: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Sat: Kenpo X
Sun: Rest, Cry into my Pillow

Not sure how I feel about doing approximately 2.5 hours of exercising on Wednesday. I may juggle that Ab Ripper portion around to maintain my sanity, but we'll see.

Big thanks to Donovan and Kim for lending me the media I needed to get started. I'd also like to thank the Academy.

Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck Kelly! I've still got this feed, so I'll be keeping an eye out! You can do it!

  2. Haha, thanks Rebecca! Now that I know some one is reading it, I better be serious. Lol.
