Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week 3 Complete!

Yay, I've completed the first "Adaptive and Mastery Phase" of "Training Block 1". Now I have a one week "Recovery Phase", followed by (surprise!) "Training Block 2". Basically, p90x has these training blocks, each 3-4 weeks long with a "rest" week at the end.

For the past 3 weeks, the first block's schedule has looked like this:
Mon: Core Synergistics
Tue: Cardio X
Wed: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Thur: Yoga X
Fri: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Sat: Kenpo X
Sun: Rest or Stretch X

Lol, p90x has a bizarre definition of recovery. My recovery week looks like this:
Mon: Yoga X
Tue: Core Synergistics
Kenpo X
Thur: Stretch X
Fri: Cardio X
Sat: Yoga X
Sun: Rest or Stretch X

That Saturday Yoga X may not happen, because I'll be in Asheville for the weekend. I'll try my best to fit it in on Sunday when I return.

I am also going to try to eat better this week. I have been eating whatever I want whenever I'm hungry. I've basically had no regard for my caloric intake. Although I generally eat healthy anyway, I could definitely do better. The fact that I'm seeing results without modifying my diet is really fantastic, so I want to make a bigger commitment and become more aware of what I'm consuming. Lol, this might be difficult now that I have a fridge full of Easter leftovers!
On a positive note, I ate four of my seven target foods at some point this week; I had spinach, plain yogurt, tomatoes, carrots, but didn't get to sweet potatoes, blueberries, or green tea. It's my goal to eat all seven this week!


  1. Sounds like you're kicking your own butt! Good girl! Those target foods basically make up my entire contest diet right now (except the yogurt because I cut dairy)!

  2. Thanks, guys! Carlanna, I actually cut most dairy out of my diet about a year ago - milk makes me break out, and I don't eat much cheese anyway. But I just can't cut yogurt - I love it and it helps my insides. Lol.
