Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 4, Day 2 - Running Down a Dream

So much for "recovery". Yesterday I woke up a little bit stiff, so I decided to go for a little jog to loosen up. In the past, I haven't been able to run much because my hamstrings are so weak. No matter how slow and easy I go, they're usually screaming at me by mile 3 and I'm gimpy the next day. But woah buddy, did I feel great yesterday! I walked up a steep half-mile hill and then ran a 1.5 mile loop back home. Once I figured out that my hamstrings were going to hold up, I picked up the pace and just enjoyed the wind in my face. Probably for the first time ever, my lungs couldn't keep up with my legs. I was really bookin' it on that last half mile! Lol, then I immediately did Yoga X. Then I immediately went to Chastain and worked around the farm.

Speaking of Chastain, I taught a lesson for the first time! At least, part of a lesson and supervised by Katie. Maybe I'll be teaching independently by next week. I think I'm really going to enjoy this, especially when I get a student who really enjoys being around horses and wants to learn. I taught a couple girls who were very cute! Totally makes up for the fact that a little white pony bit a welt on my arm, the little beastie. Lol. Occupational hazard, I suppose.

Because of yesterday's run, Yoga X, and day at the barn, my legs were pretty shot today. Core Synergistification was pretty rough during the lunge portions. I got through the lunges as best I could, and then tried to give 110% on the abs exercises.
On a positive note, I can almost do the isometric plank to chaturangas! When I started, I couldn't even get into the chaturanga, let alone hold it for 10 seconds and then push myself back up to plank. I currently struggle with the full minute of alternating plank and chaturanga, but I can do them for maybe 30 seconds. I'm hoping that I can do a full minute in 2 weeks, and then maybe be able to to the running version within a month.
Oh! And I had a sweet potato today!
So let me count the ways I feel great:
1) Enjoyed a pain-free, fast run
2) Gently rocked Yoga X
3) Had a great day at Chastain and taught for the first time
4) Held my planks and chaturangas today
5) Ate that tasty sweet potato!

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