Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week 4, Day 3 - Overkill

I have tomorrow off, so I figured "What the heck, I'll kill it today". First I woke up and did my Kenpo X. In the evening, I taught my last cycling class of the semester. Since I'll have a month off from teaching (what am I going to do with myself for a month?!), I decided to send them off with a high-intensity, hour-long workout without the abs section at the end. I had a lot of fun, and left a nice puddle of sweat under my bike. TMI? Anyway, I went to the next studio over and took the yoga class after that. My legs actually cramped while doing a standing split. Mmmm...burn.

I also weighed in at the gym today. I'm still at 135 pounds, but I really don't expect to lose any weight. Besides, I'm back in my skinny jeans (actually, they fit better than when I bought them), so I know I've cut fat. Hooray for muscle! If I stay at 135, I'll be very happy.

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